In a musical career spanning more than 30 years, Liam Weldon became recognized as one of Ireland’s great folk singer- songwriters. Born in Dublin in 1933, Weldon was passionate about lyrics and singing. He had a lifelong interest in the songs of the Irish Travelers, and his own songs reflected a strong awareness of poverty, disadvantage, and exploitation. His personal ballad style married together elements of many different musical genres and the precision of intent in his abrasive lyrics is unmistakable. Six years working in England from the age of sixteen tempered his social awareness, yet his lyrics often have deep lyric sensitivity.
Originally released in 1976 on Mulligan Records, Dark Horse On The Wind is a collection of traditional songs and original compositions and includes well-known versions of “James Connolly”, “The Blue Tar Road” and “Dark Horse On The Wind.” It’s the perfect “Dublin mix” of personal songs of love and political songs of liberty, and is now regarded as a classic in Irish music. Featuring accompaniment by Donal Lunny (bouzouki) and Paddy O’Brien (accordion).
“There’s always hope in anyone singing as well as this man sings on this record, singing words as true and as deeply felt as these, in this voice both lonely and full of power. This is Dublin singing and Irish singing.” —Pearse Hutchinson (RTE Radio)